Wednesday 18 September 2013

No Goodbyes

For the last few weeks, I've been spending time on a Glee marathon, while doing drawing assignments or planning for design projects. Just now I finished the tribute episode for Whitney Houston which was about saying goodbye to highschool.

My highschool graduation wasn't that difficult to take. Most of my friends were staying in Davao and I knew in my heart we'd still see each other. Most of the people I knew were even going to the same college, nothing much to say goodbye to actually.

However, college graduation was waay too difficult. I had the best times of my life in college and just like some of the people in Glee, I was very very scared to leave all those behind - my friends, my usual routine, my days of fun and craziness. I remember telling my bestfriend how I wish there's mandatory after-college school where we just have to continue whatever we did in college. That way, I wouldn't have to worry about saying goodbye to friends.

The team (this includes my teammates and the great people I've met because of basketball) and The Vanguardians (the two most fabulous amazing men in school) - these are the people I thought I can't live without. The idea of spending every day of the next phase of my life without them made me want to cry. I hated thinking about it. This was even before the fact that I was leaving the city. My plans of studying another course in Manila wasn't finalized then. I would be at my parents' office, one of my friends would go home to her place, a few would have 8-5pm jobs, some would be busy in school. I just pictured us to have so different lives as if we never had years of fun together.

What made me conquer all this pain of goodbye are the words my bestfriend told me when she graduated - "you don't always have to see me to know I'm with you". And now here, alone in a city far far away from home, I hold on to that. I know distance won't matter. We're not just friends, we're family and like every family in the world, we will never leave each other. I thought I can't live without them and I still believe I couldn't, but now I'm mature enough to know that my heart is big enough to keep all of them with me, wherever I go.

I miss you girls, I miss The Vanguardians... That's it, I just miss you because there's no such thing as 'goodbye' for families and you loveable people are the best families I have, next to my real family. You will forever and ever and ever be in heart. :))

Angel <3

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