Saturday 10 May 2014

Big or Small, Design is Design

I know I haven't mention this before but I'm taking up a furniture design workshop this summer and we're already on our third week. I studied architecture for five years plus enrolled in interior design but the more I learn about design, I think the more eager I become to learn even more. It's weird actually. It's as if I can't say no to it.

There's a quote by Albert Einstein that says..
"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand."

I believe that in design schools, we aren't just taught the design history and the greatest designers and all those things we have to read and familiarize. We are actually taught how to dive into our imagination and come back to reality with something even knowledge doesn't know yet. The process is vital for us to come up with something 'new'.

After all the design classes, I realize that design, no matter how relatively massive or minute, should get the same attention. We should do it step by step regardless if we're designing buildings, interiors or furniture.

This week, in our class, we were asked to make 3 design languages, each with three pieces - bed, chair, table. The process really is similar, at least for the 3 design fields I encountered. Inspiration, Concept, Translation, and lots of cheap paper.. :)

These are the works I pinned up earlier today in class, after a week of sketching. Don't worry, these are starting points. We still have a few more weeks to take these further..

Inspiration: Wicked
Concept: Defying Gravity
Translation: heavy things with thin supports, seemingly impossible

Inspiration: Jack Frost
Concept: whimsical, laziness
Translation: lazy bean bags with unnecessary stuff

Inspiration: Moulin Rouge cancan dancers
Concept: seductive, sensual
Translation: forms based on female human body

What do you think? Should I continue with these or just throw them away and start from scratch? I don't like Jack Frost that much anyway. haha. I already threw a few concepts after a couple of sketches including Iron Man and The Flintstones.

So, what do you think? Should I look for more inspirations? What do you suggest? :)

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